Totally Not Mark

What's up, everyone!

My name is Mark Fitzpatrick and I'm a professional "Anime Liker".

English class was always a drag for me and so in order to not fail, I shifted my focus from King Lear to... Dragon Ball Z. Not the most conventional move. And needless to say, my teacher wasn't happy. I did however learn A LOT about story structure, and in the process didn't fail my class! SUCCESS!

Join me on my journey as I attempt to break down how great stories and characters are written in my series "The Anatomy of Anime", or watch me dive head-first into countless famous properties in my "Blind Review" series!

Let's learn narrative techniques through the stories and characters we love!

For brand partnerships, please use TotallyNotMark (at) viralnationtalent (dot) com
For podcast bookings, convention appearances, and general inquiries, please use contact (at) totallynotmark (dot) com


Shared 4 months ago