The Seahawks Forever Podcast w/ Dan Viens

On the Seahawks Forever Podcast you'll get my personal insight on what's happening with the Seattle Seahawks both on and off the field. As a lifelong fan, and also someone who has covered the team professionally as a television journalist, web writer and podcaster, I try to add my personal insight while also providing a balanced look at where I think the team is, and where it can......and should, be going.

Special guests will include some of the best and brightest from the Seahawks media world. We'll analyze, over-analyze, predict, dissect, and mostly....... have fun.

Follow along here on my channel for live video feeds and archived shows, and also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on whichever major podcast platform you prefer. And don't forget to like and subscribe to the show RIGHT HERE!

Thank you for supporting the show, and Go Hawks!