Future Business Tech

Hello, I'm Tim Enalls, the creator of Future Business Tech. I write, research, and develop the ideas for all the videos on this channel.

Future Business Tech delivers thought-provoking documentaries that explore the future of technology and human society, the impact of artificial intelligence, space exploration, and other captivating topics. Our channel offers deep, profound insights and well-researched content that you won't find anywhere else.

With over a decade of experience in Business Intelligence, Data Science, and Analytics, I have a rich background in technology and business. I've read hundreds of books on Technology, Business, Science, Futurism, and Innovation, and I run an eCommerce business. I've held certifications in Analytics, Innovation, Project Management, and Six Sigma.

For business inquiries, please contact me at tim@futurebusinesstech.com.

“The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.” — William Gibson