Elvis The Alien

Hey guys, so my video on exploring science fiction was removed from youtube for literally no reason. I didn't touch it at all, youtube's system decided to kill it. It must be a youtube bug of some sort, I'm not sure. When you click on the video you're brought to a black screen that says "video unavailable". I'm very confused. Anyway, after hours of trying to fix it I privated the busted version and it looks like I'm being forced to reupload it. If you see it in your sub box PLEASE click on it, the impressions will probably be lower than usual given its a reupload, and it sucks to ask this from all of you. I'm just really frustrated because I spent a *very* long time on it. I'd appreciate it a lot if you interacted with it in some way the next time you see it. Thanks guys.



3 years ago | [YT] | 14,982