Space, technology and fun, all mixed into one.


I summarized what we know so far about KSP2 potentially being shut down or at least the studio being laid off. Video coming render DONE, uploading NOW!

1 month ago | [YT] | 186


Video production for this week is halted until I know more about the "Take Two closes Seattle office and fires 70 people" thing.

1 month ago | [YT] | 216


The video I'm currently working on is a bit of a mess... I need to cut together stuff from live streams and other recordings and need to reshoot elements where I forgot to record during stream. Ugh.

Long story short, this week's video might be a bit delayed... or mabye a lot...

But I AM having fun putting it all together, believe it or not. I just didn't have enough time this week to make it to my usual Friday schedule.

1 month ago | [YT] | 90


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that my brain is not working correctly this week. Video production is at a crawl's pace even though I think it's going to be something a lot of you will enjoy once it is finished.
Might be done tomorrow. Might be done on Sunday. I can't tell yet.

4 months ago | [YT] | 168