The 11foo8 bridge is a railroad trestle over Gregson St in Durham, North Carolina and it has earned a reputation for for its rigorous enforcement of the laws of physics. No truck taller than 11 feet and 8 inches will pass under this stubborn piece of infrastructure. Period. On this channel we document the various attempts of hapless drivers trying to get past this bridge. Some try to be sneaky, some try to be quick, some try to argue, but the bridge always wins. There is a reason why the locals call it the "canopener!"

So if you're driving a truck, please let these videos be a warning not to argue with low bridges. They have the law (of physics) on their side. Just heed the warnings and drive a different route. Be safe, y'all.

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@AtomicShrimp posted a great video about unboxing the piece of 11foot8 crash art he recently purchased from us. His channel is awesome ... check it out.

3 years ago | [YT] | 403


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5 years ago | [YT] | 628